Woree State School has adopted school wide Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL), an evidence based framework, with a common purpose and approach to discipline. With the goal of developing socially skilled students in a culture that promotes learning,
it is a framework designing teaching and learning environments, with a focus on:
- Explicitly teaching and reinforcing an agreed set of positively-framed expectations;
- Modifying contexts so that students are more likely to be successful in learning these expectations;
- Framing behavioural success as the acquisition of skills, akin to learning and successfully demonstrating academic skills.
Staff actively model, teach and prompt for these skills. When students use these skills, staff provide instructional feedback (positive reinforcement) to increase the likelihood this behaviour will be repeated, strengthened and therefore part of the student’s internalised skill repertoire.
Our school community has identified the following school expectations, called ‘The Woree Way’ to teach and promote our high standards of responsible behaviour:
- Learn
- Respect
- Cooperate
- Be Safe
However, individuals within the school need systems-level supports to promote these behaviours. This system-level support is provided by the Positive Behaviour for Learning Committee and Student Services Team.

However, individuals within the school need systems-level supports to promote these behaviours. This system-level support is provided by the Positive Behaviour for Learning Committee and Student Services Team.

The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) has been introduced from 2022 as a school wide initiative, purposefully designed to support the sequential development of students’ physical, psychological, social and emotional capabilities. This model acknowledges that students’ capabilities are built over time, focussing on students’ growth and development as they learn. The adoption of the BSEM aligns with and further strengthens well established school wide Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) principles, systems and practices and brain based, trauma aware education initiatives.

Woree State School as a Resilience Project school, delivers emotionally engaging programs and evidence based, practical wellbeing strategies that build resilience. These are referred to as GEMs which include strategies to teach and learn about Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. We also incorporate emotional literacy, connection and physical health education and activities as they are foundational contributors to positive mental health. The Resilience Project strategies also support and align with our Woree Way and Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)
principles, practices and expectations.